Mini Australian Shepherd (Ultimate Breed Guide)

Mini Australian Shepherd (Ultimate Breed Guide)

The Mini Australian Shepherd (AKA Mini Aussie) is a smaller version of the standard Australian Shepherd, the result of selective breeding. They are an extremely cute dog breed with distinct medium-length often multicolour merle coats. These traits paired with their loyal, intelligent and affectionate personality makes them highly sought after.

If you are interested in Mini Australian Shepherds keep reading this article to find out all the answers to your questions about this dog breed!

Cover Image Credit: Photo by Elliott Rothman on Unsplash

What Is A Mini Australian Shepherd?

A Mini Australian Shepherd is the smaller size of the standard Australian Shepherd breed. They are a medium sized dog breed with a solid build. Mini Australian Shepherds often have multicolored coats that are medium length and wavy or straight in texture. They are a loyal, affectionate breed that has a lot of energy.

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Mini Australian Shepherd Summary

Mini Australian Shepherd Characteristics
Size33cm to 46cm
Weight12kg to 18kg
TemperamentProtective, intelligent, affectionate
Activity LevelsHigh
Exercise Requirements1 to 2 hours per day
Lifespan10 to 13 years
CoatMedium length double coat
Apartment AdaptabilityMedium
Good with ChildrenGood With Older Children

Breed Origins

Miniature Australian Shepherds were originally breed in North America to create a smaller, more compact version of the Standard Australian Shepherd. They originally worked as a small herding dog on farms however now they are more commonly a companion dog.

Are Mini Australian Shepherds Purebred?

Yes, Mini Australian Shepherds are purebred. They were first bred in America in the late 1960s through selective breeding. Breeders took the runts of standard size Australian Shepherd litters and breed them together until they consistently got the miniature size. In the mid 1970s, breeders got to the desired miniature size.

What Is A Miniature Australian Shepherd Mixed With?

A Miniature Australian Shepherd is not mixed with any other dog breed. It is a common misconception that another breed was introduced into their lineage to create the smaller size however this is not the case at all. They created the smaller size through selective breeding of smaller sized Australian Shepherds.



Mini Australian Shepherds have a double coat that is a medium length. Their fur is either wavy or straight with feathering on the back of their legs and around their head. As they are a double coated dog breed they have an undercoat and top coat.

Mini Australian Shepherd Colours

Mini Australian Shepherds come in many colours. The recognised coat colours include blue merle, red merle, red and black. Blue Merle Mini Australian Shepherds have a marbled coat with silver, black, dark grey and white patches. Red Merle Mini Australian Shepherds have a golden-red marbled coat with white and dark brown patches. Both Black and Red Mini Australian Shepherds have solid coloured coats.

Do Mini Australian Shepherds Have Tails?

Some Mini Australian Shepherds have tails while others don’t. Many Mini Australian Shepherds have their tails docked as a puppy as it is part of the breed standard. If they have their tails docked, they are about 2 to 3 inches in length. Other Mini Australian Shepherds have a natural bobtail while some owners opt to keep it at it’s full length.

How To Tell If You Have A Mini Australian Shepherd

The best way to tell if you have a Mini Australian Shepherd is to measure them. A Mini Australian Shepherd stands at 33cm to 45cm tall at the shoulder and weighs 12kg to 18kg. If your Australian Shepherd is bigger than this, you have a standard-size Australian Shepherd. On the other hand, if your Australian Shepherd is smaller than this, you own a toy-sized Australian Shepherd.

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The Mini Australian Shepherd has a protective temperament, a dog that is loyal and devoted to its family. They are very affectionate and good-natured, and hardly ever show aggressive behavior. Mini Australian Shepherds are a ball of energy, often described as hyperactive, requiring lots of exercise and mental stimulation. They are quite smart and enthusiastic to please their owners which makes them very easy to train. Unfortunately, they have a tendency to bark a lot.

Do Mini Australian Shepherds Bark A Lot?

Yes, Mini Australian Shepherds bark a lot. They are a very vocal dog that is famous for being hyperactive and quite noisy. Mini Australian Shepherds usually bark at other animals, loud noises and strangers. While barking a lot is usually seen as a negative trait, it does make them very good watchdogs.

Are Mini Australian Shepherds Smart?

Mini Australian Shepherds are a smart dog breed. They rank 42nd out of 138 for obedience and working intelligence. As they have excellent instinctive and adaptive intelligence, they are very good at herding.

Do Mini Australian Shepherds Like To Cuddle?

Mini Australian Shepherds like to cuddle with people they know very well. They are very affectionate around their family members and are often described as clingy. Nevertheless this isn’t the case for people they don’t know. Mini Australian Shepherds definitely need to build trust with someone before they let others cuddle them.

Do Mini Australian Shepherds Get Along With Cats?

The majority of Australian Shepherds get along with cats if they have been socialized to live around them while they are a puppy. Is is also important to note that not all cats will accept living with a Mini Australian Shepherd and will become aggressive around them. It really depends upon the personality of both the Mini Aussie and the cat.

If a Mini Australian Shepherd is not trained to be around a cat, they are likely to chase and try to herd them. They need to go through exposure training where they are introduced under strict supervision. Many people put their Mini Australian Shepherd puppies in a crate and let their cat walk around it so they can get used to each other. Then they can have controlled physical interaction while on a lead until they can safely be in the same room together off lead.

Do Mini Australian Shepherds Like Water?

Yes, Mini Australian Shepherds like the water as they have a natural instinct for it and other outdoorsy activities. They have a water-resistant double coat that keeps them comfortable while swimming which is one reason why they like the water. Swimming is also a great way for them to exercise as they are a high energy breed.

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Mini Australian Shepherd Size

What Size Is A Mini Australian Shepherd?

Mini Australian Shepherds are a medium size dog breed. They are 33cm to 45cm tall at the shoulder and weigh between 12kg and 18kg. Females are a slightly smaller size than Male Mini Australian Shepherds.

When Is A Mini Australian Shepherd Fully Grown?

A Mini Australian Shepherds is fully grown between 11 and 13 months of age. Around 9 months of age they will have reached their full adult height and for the remaining months will fill out and continue to build muscle mass.

Mini Australian Shepherd Lifespan

What Is The Lifespan Of A Mini Australian Shepherd?

On average, Mini Australian Shepherds have a lifespan of 10 to 13 years. Their lifespan can vary depending upon genetics, health conditions, lifestyle, diet etc. If you want to give your Mini Australian Shepherd the best chance of living a long life, make sure you give them adequate daily exercise and a healthy diet.

Mini Australian Shepherd Price

How Much Is A Mini Australian Shepherd?

Mini Australian Shepherds cost between $3000AUD and $7000AUD+. Their small size makes them more expensive than the standard Australian Shepherd as they are highly sought after. Rare coat colours greatly increase the price of a Mini Australian Shepherd such as solid red or black coats.

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Suitability For First Time Owners, Families etc.

Are Mini Australian Shepherds Good Dogs?

Yes, Mini Australian Shepherds are good dogs are they are extremely loyal, devoted and also affectionate. If they have been given an adequate amount of exercise and mental stimulation daily they will be very good dogs. Without this physical and mental exercise, they can develop destructive behavior out of boredom and having too much unused energy.

Are Mini Australian Shepherds Good For First Time Owners?

Generally, Mini Australian Shepherds are not good for first time owners as they need a lot of attention and mental stimulation which is very demanding. Mini Australian Shepherds need between 1 – 2 hours of physical and mental exercise daily and many people aren’t prepared for that commitment. They are likely to develop behavioral problems such as barking, chewing and digging if they aren’t properly trained, exercised and socialized.

That being said, Mini Australian Shepherds do have a lovely temperament and if a first time owner is willing to learn and is committed, they can make a good first dog.

Is A Mini Australian Shepherd A Good Family Dog?

A Mini Australian Shepherd is a good family dog for active families that have had experience looking after dogs in the past. They get along well with older children and usually get along with other family pets if they are properly socialized. However, Mini Australian Shepherds are not so suited to families with young children as they are known to try to nip at their feet as an attempt to herd them.

Read Also: Aussiedoodle Breed Guide (Australian Shepherd Poodle Mix)

Living Conditions

Can Mini Australian Shepherds Live In Apartments?

Yes, Mini Australian Shepherds can live in apartments however it is not the best living conditions for this breed. While Mini Australian Shepherds are more suited to living in smaller spaces compared to the standard Australian Shepherd, they still need to spend time in open space for a few hours daily to get their exercise. They wouldn’t do well in a small apartment, a large apartment would be adequate but not perfect.

Beside exercise, another issue with apartment living for Mini Australian Shepherds is taking them out to the toilet. However there are solutions including artificial grass pee pads that you can put on your balcony.

If you are committed to taking your Mini Australian Shepherd outside two to three times a day for exercise in at least 30 minute intervals and you also have a solution for toileting them, they can technically live in an apartment.

Can Mini Australian Shepherds Live Outside?

Technically Mini Australian Shepherds can live outside in mild climates however it is not recommended. Mini Australian Shepherds are happiest when they can live inside with the family as dogs are pack animals. They thrive being close to others and having a sense of companionship. Additionally, as Mini Australian Shepherds are prone to barking, they will only feel socially isolated living outside and will bark because of loneliness.

While, Mini Aussies shouldn’t live outside 24/7, it is not a bad idea for them to have a comfortable living area outside such as an elevated trampoline dog bed or kennel. This is a good idea so they have a place to chill both inside and outside the house.

Can Mini Australian Shepherds Be Left Alone?

Mini Australian Shepherds can be left alone for short periods of time. They shouldn’t be left alone for more than five hours as they suffer from separation anxiety. If Mini Australian Shepherds are left alone for too long they can become destructive and start chewing your furniture and belongings. They will also bark excessively when left alone for too long.

If you are going to leave your Mini Australian Shepherd alone, you should give them plenty of toys to play with so they have something to do. Interactive dog toys are a really good idea as they give your Mini Aussie mental stimulation. Kong toys filled with treats or peanut butter are very popular as they keep your dog occupied for hours as they try to get the treats out.

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Shedding & Grooming

Do Mini Australian Shepherds Shed?

Yes, Mini Australian Shepherds shed a moderate amount throughout the years and heavily twice a year during seasonal shedding when they lose their undercoat. The heavy shedding lasts for 2 to 3 weeks during spring and autumn. Owners should brush their Mini Australians Shepherds every week to reduce how much fur they shed.

The best brush for Mini Australian Shepherds is a slicker brush as well as an undercoat rake. An undercoat rake is especially useful during seasonal shedding times as it helps them dislodge their shedding undercoat.

Are Mini Australian Shepherds Hypoallergenic?

No, Mini Australian Shepherds are not hypoallergenic as they produce a moderate amount of dander which irritates allergy sufferers. They are moderate to heavy shedders depending on the time of year which is why they drop lots of dander throughout the year. A similar dog breed that is hypoallergenic is the Mini Aussiedoodle as poodle has been mixed into the breed.

Do Mini Australian Shepherds Need Haircuts?

No, Mini Australian Shepherds do not need haircuts. They are a double coated dog breed that sheds throughout the year and also seasonally. As their hair falls out, they don’t need to go to the groomer to get their hair trimmed. This is why they are a low maintenance dog breed.

Can You Shave A Mini Australian Shepherd?

While you can technically shave a Mini Australian Shepherd, it is not recommended at all. As they are a double coated dog breed they shouldn’t be shed as it can change the texture of their coat when it grows back. It also makes it more difficult for them to cool down in hot weather as they don’t get air circulation through their top coat. Additionally, it makes them more susceptible to sun burn and skin irritations.

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Are Mini Australian Shepherds Easy To Train?

Yes, Mini Australian Shepherds are considered to be one of the easiest breeds of dog to train. They are very smart and eager to please their owners so they are very motivated to learn new tricks and skills. The best training method for Mini Australian Shepherds is positive reinforcement training with treats or their favorite toys.

Are Mini Australian Shepherds Easy To Potty Train?

Yes, Mini Australian Shepherds are pretty easy to potty train as they respond very well to positive reinforcement training. In comparison to the standard Australian Shepherd, they are slightly more difficult to potty train just because they have a smaller sized bladder and therefore need to be taken outside more often.

The best way to potty train a Mini Australian Shepherd is to:

  1. Take your Mini Australian Shepherd outside to the spot you want them to go
  2. While at this spot say “go potty”
  3. Wait for your Mini Aussie to do their business
  4. Once they have done their business praise and reward them with a treat
  5. Make sure you take your Mini Australian Shepherd out 5 to 10 minutes after meals
  6. Keep repeating this process until they go outside to relieve themselves independently


Do Mini Australian Shepherds Need A Lot Of Exercise?

Yes, Mini Australian Shepherds need between 1 and 2 hours of exercise daily. They are a high energy breed and they need a lot of exercise to reduce their hyperactivity. As they are a herding breed, Mini Australian Shepherds love to play fetch or chasing as they are very instinctive games. They also like to go on long walks or runs however they generally prefer activities than are more mentally challenging.

If your Mini Australian Shepherd loves playing fetch you could consider getting an automatic ball launcher toy so you don’t have to keep throwing the ball. These devices can be set up in the backyard and you can train your dog to drop their ball into the loader section of the launcher quite easily.

Can Mini Australian Shepherds Swim?

Yes, Mini Australian Shepherds can swim and generally enjoy spending time in the water. They are an athletic breed that has a proportionate body that enables them to swim pretty well. At first you may need to get into the water with your Australian Shepherd to help them learn to swim. In general, swimming is a great way for Mini Australian Shepherds to burn energy and they love to play fetch in the water with floating dog toys.

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What To Feed A Mini Australian Shepherd Puppy

There are many options for feeding a Mini Australian Shepherd puppy including dry food (kibble), wet food, raw food or homemade food. Most people start off by feeding their Mini Australian Shepherd puppies kibble with additional raw food such as meat.

It is a good idea to feed your Aussie puppy the same kibble that they were fed at the breeder to avoid them getting an upset stomach. I suggest that you take a photo of the kibble packaging when you pick up your puppy from the breeder so that you can buy the same type. Once you have decided on what type of food you want to feed your Mini Australian Shepherd puppy, then you can slowly ween them off the breeder’s kibble and onto your preferred meals.

How Much Should A Mini Australian Shepherd Eat

A Mini Australian Shepherd should eat two meals per day, one in the morning and one at night. For each meal they should eat one cup of dry kibble or an equivalent amount in a different type of dog food. It is a good idea to give your Mini Australian Shepherd a mixed diet of both kibble and raw feed e.g. meat, vegetables etc. so they can have some variety.

The amount of kibble you give your Mini Australian Shepherd depends upon their size and there are generally feeding guides on the back of kibble packaging. Puppies eat more than adult Mini Australian Shepherds and also have more meals throughout the day. The guide above for the amount of daily meals is for an adult dog.

Should I Get A Mini Australian Shepherd?

You should get a Mini Australian Shepherd if you have owned dogs in the past and would like an energetic, affectionate, loyal, protective and smart companion. In terms of grooming they are relatively easy to care for, only requiring weekly brushing and their smaller size in comparison to the standard Australian Shepherd makes them slightly easier to care for. If you are really into exercise and leading an active lifestyle, a Mini Australian Shepherd is perfect as they require one to two hours of exercise a day.

Read Also: Schnoodle Breed Guide (Schnauzer Poodle Mix)

What To Know Before Getting A Mini Australian Shepherd

These are things you need to know before getting a Mini Australian Shepherd:

  • Predisposed to hip dysplasia, cataracts, epilepsy & spinal defects
  • Merle Mini Australian Shepherds can have vision and hearing problems
  • Not a hypoallergenic breed
  • Bark a lot
  • Shed a moderate amount
  • Need 1 to 2 hours of moderate to high intensity exercise
  • Not good around young children due to strong herding instinct
  • Not the best choice for first time owners

Further Reading