Maltipoo Breed Guide (Maltese Poodle Mix)

Maltipoo Breed Guide (Maltese Poodle Mix)

The Maltipoo (AKA Maltepoo, Mal-t-poo or Moodle) is a small mixed breed dog as a result of cross breeding a Poodle with a Maltese. They are an extremely cute dog breed with extremely fluffy coats that are hypoallergenic. These traits paired with their excellent adaptability to urban living in apartments makes them highly sought after.

If you are interested in Maltipoos keep reading this article to find out the all the answers to your questions about this dog breed!

What Is A Maltese Poodle Mix Called?

A Maltese Poodle mix is called a Maltipoo. There are variations on the way Maltipoo is spelt including Maltepoo and Mal-t-poo. They are also sometimes called Moodles in Australia.


Maltipoo Characteristics
Size25cm to 35cm
Weight6kg to 11kg
TemperamentLoyal, affectionate, gentle
Activity LevelsHigh
Exercise RequirementsModerate
Lifespan10 to 15 years.
CoatWavy, curly or straight single coat.
Apartment AdaptabilitySuited to apartment living.
Good with ChildrenGood with children over 6 years old.

What Does A Maltipoo Look Like?

Coat Colors

Are All Maltipoos White?

No, not all Maltipoos are white however it is the most common coat color. Maltipoos come in many different colors including cream, apricot, caramel, black, brown, red, grey, silver and coffee. They can also have parti (two toned) coats.

Do Maltipoos Change Color?

Yes, Maltipoos slightly change color when they transition from their puppy coat to adult coat. The most common color change is fading and these changes will occur by the age of two. The full coat of a Maltipoo may change color or only on certain body parts such their ears.

Maltipoos change color if they inherit the ‘Progressive Graying’ gene (G Locus) from the Poodle parent. A mutation in this gene causes gradual fading as the dog grows. Not all Maltipoos inherit this gene so not all Maltipoos change color.

Do Apricot Maltipoos Stay That Color?

No, Apricot Maltipoos do not stay that color as they age. It is very likely that their apricot colored coat will start to fade as they transition from their puppy coat to adult coat. Some apricot Maltipoos fade to cream however others end up as a lighter apricot.

If you want a Maltipoo that has an apricot coat in adulthood, you could get a dark red Maltipoo. They are likely to fade to an apricot color however it is not certain.

Do Black Maltipoos Change Color?

Yes, Black Maltipoos change color. In most cases they lighten to a grey or silver coat color. It is extremely rare to get a fully black Maltipoo. They are usually two-toned with a silver base coat. This second color is most likely the color your Maltipoo will end up around the age of 2.

Rarity of The Coat Colors

Are Red Maltipoos Rare?

Yes, Red Maltipoos are rare. The red coat is usually produced by breeding a Red Poodle with a Tan or Brown Maltese. A Maltipoo may have a red coat when born but it may fade to Apricot as an adult.

Are Black Maltipoos Rare?

Yes, Black Maltipoos are extremely rare. Black can be said to be the rarest Maltipoo coat color, especially pure black coats. Additionally, Maltipoo puppies born with a black coat are unlikely to stay that color as an adult. Often their coats fade to a grey or silver shade.

Are Chocolate Maltipoos Rare?

Yes, Chocolate Maltipoos are extremely rare. Chocolate coloring is only seen in parti-colored Maltipoo hence, you will never find a solid brown coated Maltipoo. If Chocolate Maltipoos are bred, it is usually the result of breeding a Brown Poodle with a Tan Maltese. These respective coat colors of the parent dogs are rare to start with.

Hair Type

Do Maltipoos Have Hair or Fur?

Maltipoos have hair as they are single coated. Both the Poodle and the Maltese breeds are also single coated with hair instead of fur, so it is understandable that the cross breed also has hair.

The general rule is that a double coated dog has fur while a single coated dog has hair. Nevertheless, hair and fur are often used interchangeably to describe a dog’s coat.

Are Maltipoos Soft?

Yes, Maltipoos are very soft. Their coat has a soft, wool-like texture and is medium to long in length. The softness of the coat of a Maltipoo is one of the reasons they are such a popular dog breed.

Do All Maltipoos Have Curly Hair?

No, not all Maltipoos have curly hair. It is possible to have straight hair Maltipoos as the Maltese has straight hair. Nevertheless, this is an uncommon trait as Poodles have curly hair. The hair curl gene is dominant so a Maltipoo only needs to have a single copy of the curl variant to express the phenotype. If a Maltipoo has straight hair is is very likely to be slightly wavy.

Single or Double Coat?

Are Maltipoos Single Coated?

Yes, Maltipoos are single coated. Both the Maltese and the Poodle have single coats so it is understandable that the Maltipoo inherits this trait. A single coat means that the hair all over the Maltipoo is basically the same length and that they shed small amounts all year long. They do not have an undercoat.

Are Maltipoos Double Coated?

No, Maltipoos are not double coated. Their coat does not have a high density and does not consist of many layers. Being double coated is a common misconception as Maltipoos have such a fluffy coat.

Do Maltipoos Have An Undercoat?

No, Maltipoos do not have an undercoat as they are single coated. This means that all of their hairs are roughly the same length rather than having short undercoat hairs with longer guard hairs.


Do Maltipoos Have Tails?

Yes, Maltipoos have tails. There is a misconception that they don’t have tails as some Maltipoo breeders follow the Poodle standard of tail docking. Tail docking is unneccessary for Maltipoos. It is recommended for Maltipoos to keep their tails as it helps them maintain their balance.

Not all Maltipoos have short tails as some inherit the long, thin tail of the Poodle. If a Maltipoo has a short tail is is likely to be slightly curled like a Maltese’s tail. A short, curled tail will arch up over their back while a long tail will stick out backwards.


Do Maltipoos Have Whiskers?

Yes, Maltipoos have whiskers. The whiskers on a Maltipoo’s face are vital as they help them navigate their environment and aid their vision. Whiskers provide a dog extra sensory input and play the role of transmitting information when they detect movement or objects to the Maltipoo’s sensory cells.

Do Maltipoos Have Underbites?

Maltipoos are suceptible to having underbites as they are a small breed. As Maltese are likely to have underbites and therefore Maltipoos can inherit this trait. The main reason why Maltipoos may have an underbite is because they may have a skeletal predisposition for having a shorter than normal upper jaw or they may suffer from dental overcrowding.

Maltipoo Temperament

Energy Levels

Are Maltipoos Energetic?

Yes, Maltipoos are energetic. They love playing at home or outside with their family members. Giving them a moderate amount of exercise daily will keep them energy levels under control and keep them happy and healthy.

Are Maltipoos Lazy?

No, Maltipoos are generally not a lazy dog breed. In fact they are quite the opposite having high levels of energy. If a Maltipoo is being lazy, it is usually because they are bored. To avoid this it is important to give your Maltipoo lots of exercise daily and also mental stimulation by playing games with them or regularly giving them new dog toys.

Are Maltipoos High Energy?

Yes, Maltipoos have high energy levels. At times they can be quite hyper and need an energy release by going on a walk or a trip to the dog park. That being said, due to their small size they only need a moderate amount of exercise each day, between 20 and 30 minutes.


Are Maltipoos Smart?

Maltipoos are a relatively smart dog breed as the Poodle parent is ranked highly for obedience and work intelligence yet the Maltese is below average. This makes Maltipoos an average or slightly above average dog for smartness. Their intelligence levels makes them relatively easy to train and they enjoy mental stimulation from games and toys.

Intelligence Of The Parents

Poodles are rated as the second smartest dog breed out of 138 for obedience and working intelligence. On the other hand, the Maltese is below average ranking 111th our of 138 for obedience and wok intelligence. They rank lowly for obedience as they have a tendency to manipulate their owners into getting what they want. In many ways, this makes them very smart.


Are Maltipoos Yappy?

Yes, Maltipoos can be yappy. Due to their small size they often feel threatened or endangered which they respond to by barking. Another reason why a Maltipoo may be yappy is because of boredom. This is the result of a lack of mental stimulation or exercise. Finally, Maltipoos can be yappy if they are left alone for long periods of time. They may bark to seek attention. Both the Maltese and Toy or Miniature Poodles can be yappy so it is not surprising that Maltipoos have this trait.


Are Maltipoos Cuddly?

Yes, Maltipoos are a very cuddly dog breed. They are super affectionate and their super soft, fluffy coat makes everyone want to give them a cuddle. In fact, cuddling a Maltipoo is not just good for your dog, but also has psychological benefits for you. Cuddling a Maltipoo reduces anxiety, stress and depression as it reduces levels of the hormone responsible for stress.

Are Maltipoos Affectionate?

Yes, Maltipoos are a highly affectionate dog breed. A Maltipoo might show affection by nudging you with their nose, by giving prolonged eye contact, by licking you or by jumping up on you.

Are Maltipoos Clingy?

Yes, Maltipoos are clingy because they are highly affectionate but also sensitive. They do not like being left alone at all and often suffer from separation anxiety. Maltipoos are also clingy because they are extremely loyal and often become very attached to their owner.

Do Maltipoos Like To Be Held?

Yes, Maltipoos really like to be held. They are a super affectionate dog breed that really enjoys cuddling and snuggling up with their owners. Maltipoos are usually very comfortable being held by all members of the family and with strangers after getting to know them for a few minutes.

Are Maltipoos Lap Dogs?

Yes, Maltipoos can be lap dogs. They are small in size and many owners pamper these little dogs a lot. They also really like attention, pats and cuddles so they are a perfect fit to become a lap dog.

Are Maltipoos Loyal?

Yes, Maltipoos are loyal dogs. They are companion dogs and are very loyal to their owners. Maltipoos, like all dogs, are pack animals and this mentality is what makes them so loyal to their family. The hierarchy within the pack setting makes them extremely loyal to who is at the top.

Negative Traits

Are Maltipoos Aggressive?

Maltipoos can be aggressive from time to time. They may growl when they feel threatened which can be quite often is due to their small size. Another reason for aggression may be due to pain, for example when your Maltipoo is teething. It may also be because of an improper hierarchy at home where your Maltipoo believe that they are the pack leader. In this case you need to show your dog that you are the Alpha.

Are Maltipoos Stubborn?

Maltipoos are stubborn, especially female Maltipoos. This dog breed has a mind of their own which at times can make them difficult to train. Maltipoos can be high strung and unwilling to listen to commands.

Are Maltipoos Anxious?

Maltipoos can be anxious from time to time. The most common anxiety that they experience is separation anxiety if they are left alone for long periods of time. They can also experience anxiety when in situations with large, domineering dogs.

Do Maltipoos Need A Lot Of Attention?

Yes, Maltipoos need a lot of attention. They are an attention seeking dog breed that can easily become bored if they are not given enough mental stimulation or exercise. It is important to set boundaries and a routine for when you pat and cuddle your Maltipoo otherwise they will be demanding it from you all day long.

Are Maltipoos Territorial?

Maltipoos can be territorial as they have watch dog instincts. They like to guard their territory and alert people of threats or strangers arriving at their home. Maltipoos may be territorial because they feel fearful and anxious with unknown people in their area.


Are Maltipoos Watch Dogs?

Maltipoos can be watch dogs because they bark when there are changes in their environment or when something is suspicious. Maltipoos make good watchdogs because they are alert, stubborn and active whilst also being affectionate towards their family.

Are Maltipoos Good Emotional Support Dogs?

Yes, Maltipoos are good emotional support dogs. They are extremely loyal and affectionate which are desired qualities to help people with anxiety, depression or other disorders. Maltipoos are also highly suited to this role because of their small size which is easy to manage. They are also easy take traveling.

Are Maltipoos Good For First Time Owners?

Yes, Maltipoos are good for first time owners as they are relatively easy to care for. They are gentle and loving, and get along with people of all ages including children and the elderly. The only issue with Maltipoos is that they can stubborn which makes training difficult however with positive reinforcement and patience you can get excellent results.

Are Maltipoos One Person Dogs?

Maltipoos aren’t one person dogs as they thrive in a family setting. However, they can become more attached to one person than anyone else. This is a natural instinct for dogs and the are usually most loyal to the person who feeds them.

Do Maltipoos Have Separation Anxiety?

Yes, Maltipoos can suffer from separation anxiety. They are a very social breed so when they are left alone for long periods of time it can cause them significant distress. When Maltipoos are suffering from separation anxiety they are likely to start crying, whining or barking to get someone’s attention.

Do Maltipoos Snore?

Maltipoos can snore. It depends on what stage of sleep they are in and how they are lying down while they are sleeping. Sometimes when a Maltipoo sleeps in a weird position they may slightly obstruct their breathing which causes them to snore.


Where Do Maltipoos Originate From?

Maltipoos originate from America when they were first officially bred in the 1990s by crossing a Maltese with a Poodle. They may been accidentally bred together before this time however it is undocumented.

As for the parent breeds of the Maltipoo, the Maltese originates from the Mediterranean basin and the Poodle originates from France and Germany.

Maltipoo Sizes

There are 3 main sizes of Maltipoos including Teacup, Miniature and Standard. The three different sizes are created by breeding a Maltese with various sizes of Poodle.

Are Maltipoos Small?

Yes, Maltipoos are a small dog breed. They are classified as either a small or “toy” breed. Toy dogs refer to a group of small and tiny breeds.

Teacup/Toy Maltipoo Size

Teacup Maltipoos (AKA Toy Maltipoos) are the smallest Maltipoo size that is the result of breeding a Teacup or Toy Poodle with a Maltese. Teacup Maltipoos get to a height of about 15cm to 25cm in height and weigh approximately 2kg to 5kg when fully grown.

Miniature/Standard Maltipoo Size

A Standard Maltipoo (AKA Mini Maltipoo) is the result of breeding a Miniature Poodle with a Maltese. A Mini Maltipoo gets to a height of about 25cm to 35cm and weighs approximately 6kg to 11kg when fully grown.

Comparison Of Sizes

Teacup MaltipooStandard Maltipoo
Average Height15cm to 25cm25cm to 35cm
Average Weight2kg to 5kg 6kg to 11kg

Note: These are only approximate size guides as there is a lot of variation in size in cross breeds and no sizing standards.

Male vs Female Maltipoo Size

Male Maltipoos are larger than female Maltipoos. When looking at Maltipoo weight ranges for each size, they will be at the higher end of the scale.

Are Maltipoos Fragile?

Maltipoos are fragile, especially the smaller sizes including Teacup and Miniature Maltipoos. Teacup Maltipoos are extremely fragile and are more prone to bone breaks and fractures. This is because their bones are tiny and there is not much muscle around their bones.

Do Maltipoos Stay Small Forever?

Yes, Maltipoos stay small forever. They are a tiny dog breed and will reach their full adult size by the age of 12 months. At one year old they are at their biggest size which is very small meaning they stay small forever.

Getting Along

Are Maltipoos Good With Kids?

Yes, Maltipoos are good with kids as they are gentle, loving and affectionate. Nevertheless, they are a fragile, small breed which means that they aren’t appropriate for children that are younger than six. Teacup Maltipoos are even more fragile and shouldn’t be handled by children under 12 years of age.

Are Maltipoos Good With Toddlers?

Maltipoos are not the best suited breed to be around toddlers as they are so fragile. A toddler may accidentally play to rough with a Maltipoo which may lead to a severe injury such as a broken bone. This is especially the case for teacup sized Maltipoos.

Are Maltipoos Good With Cats?

Yes, Maltipoos are good with cats if they have grown up with them and have gone through proper socialisation. They generally get along with cats as they are a similar size to cats. However it is not always up to the dog if they get along with the cat. Sometimes cats don’t like living with Maltipoos but if they can accept it, they are likely to get along.

Your Maltipoo puppy will need to be gradually introduced to your cat through controlled physical interaction. You can do a face to face meeting with a barrier. For example, you can keep your Maltipoo in their crate and let your cat walk around and sniff them. You gradually build up to controlled interaction on a lead and then supervised interaction in the same room off lead.

Are Maltipoos Good With Rabbits?

No, Maltipoos are generally not good with rabbits. They have a high prey instinct due to their Poodle parentage and are very likely to try and hunt a pet bunny rabbit. They may stand a chance to get along with a rabbit if they go through vigorous training as a puppy but it would still be a risk to leave a Maltipoo unattended with a rabbit.

Do Maltipoos Get Along With Other Dogs?

Yes, Maltipoos generally get along very well with dogs of a similar size or smaller. They are not suited to playing with larger dog breeds as it can become too rough and they can become injured. That being said, they are quite sociable and want to become friends with all dogs.

Likes & Dislikes

Do Maltipoos Like To Be Held?

Yes, Maltipoos like to be held. They are an extremely affectionate breed that loves to spend quality time with their owners, often cuddling them. That being said Maltipoos can only stand being held for short periods of time. You should put them down when they start to squirm or feel uncomfortable.

Do Maltipoos Like Water?

Whether a Maltipoo likes water or not is closely linked to their personality and whether they take more after the Maltese or the Poodle. Maltipoos that have more Poodle in them are usually like the water. Alternatively, Maltese dogs strongly dislike water so a Maltipoo with more Maltese in them is unlikely to enjoy the water.

To make your Maltipoo like the water more you could give them some floating water toys. Maltipoos not liking water could also be linked to their confidence. You could try and put a flotation device on your Maltipoo such as a dog life jacket to increase their water confidence.

Do Maltipoos Like The Cold?

Maltipoos don’t hate the cold but they also don’t love it. They are not a cold-weather dog as they have a fine coat of hair that is only a single layer so when it gets very cold they need to wear a coat to maintain their body heat

Do Maltipoos Like Other Dogs?

Yes, Maltipoos like other dogs. They are a friendly dog breed that can happily co-exist with other dogs that are of a similar size. In fact, Maltipoos are likely to suffer from separation anxiety if they are not around other dogs or people for long periods of time. Maltipoos can do well living with another dog to reduce their feelings of anxiety when no one else is around.

Do Maltipoos Like To Cuddle?

Yes, Maltipoos like to cuddle. In fact some people even get Maltipoos for them to be a lap dog and spend most of the day cuddling! Maltipoos are very affectionate and are sensitive to other people needs. They know when someone is upset and needs a cuddle.

Do Maltipoos Like Cats?

Maltipoos generally like cats and are not phased by them. Maltipoos are very happy to do their own thing and ignore the cat. It is more likely that your cat won’t like your Maltipoo. If they grow up together from a young age, they should get along okay.

Do Maltipoos Like To Dig?

Maltipoos like to dig every now and then like all dogs. This usually happens when they are bored and have nothing else to do. To reduce the chance of your Maltipoo digging up your garden, ensure that they have plenty of mental stimulation and also exercise every day.

Another reason why your Maltipoo might be digging is because they have separation anxiety. Some dogs dig holes as an attempt to make a den-like structure as a form of security and comfort. Instead, you could give your Maltipoo a crate with lots of blankets so they have their own warm, comforting den.

Do Maltipoos Like To Walk?

Maltipoos like to walk in short bursts over short distances. They need about half an hour of exercise daily and walking is a great option. Smaller sized Maltipoos such as Teacup Maltipoos don’t like walking as much as Standard Maltipoos as they tire much faster.

Maltipoo Lifespan

How Long Do Maltipoos Live?

On average, Maltipoos live for 10 to 15 years. As a small sized dog breed they can live to a much older age than other breeds however there are many factors that play into their lifespan including genetics, diet, exercise and health.

Living Conditions

Are Maltipoos Good For Apartments?

Maltipoos are a good dog breed for apartments as they are so small. They do well in apartments if they are taken out a few times daily for exercise. The only issue with Maltipoos living in apartments is that they can suffer from separation anxiety and become yappy.

Toileting can also be an issue when living with a dog in apartments. A solution is to use a dog grass pee pad on a balcony.

Maltipoo Price

How Much Does A Maltipoo Cost?

A Maltese Poodle Mix costs between $750USD and $3000USD depending on the breeder. There is a lot of variation in price because they are a designer mixed breed dog. Other factors play into the cost of a Maltipoo including their genetics, the health history of the parents and whether they have been microchipped and vaccinated or not.

Why Are Maltipoos So Expensive?

Maltipoos are so expensive is because they of their lovely temperaments and also because of their small size which is very suited to urban living. Additionally, they have relatively small litters, averaging four or five puppies per litter. This also increases the price of the dog breed.

Rare color coated Maltipoos are significantly more expensive than common colors. You would expect a rare colored Maltipoo to be at the high end of their price range or even exceeding it.

Are Maltipoos Rare?

No, Maltipoos are not rare. They are one of the most popular Poodle mix breeds. Some types of Maltipoos are rare including black Maltipoos and chocolate Maltipoos.

Are Maltipoos Popular?

Yes, Maltipoos are very popular because they are gentle and affectionate. They are suited to people of all ages including children and the elderly. Their small size makes them very easy to manage and care for.

Growing Up: Puppy to Adult Stage

When Do Maltipoos Stop Growing?

Maltipoos stop generally growing between 8 and 12 months of age. When a Maltipoo stops growing depends on what type of Poodle was bred with the Maltese. A Toy Poodle bred with a Maltese will stop growing before a Miniature or Standard Poodle bred with a Maltese. This is because teacup Maltipoos are significantly smaller than the other sizes.

When Do Maltipoos Stop Teething?

Maltipoos stop teething at 8 months of age. The process starts around 4 months of age when their baby teeth start falling out. Teething can be a tough process for your Maltipoo and it is a good idea to relieve teething pain through giving your dog access to a range of chew toys. This could be a puppy size Kong toy.


Do Maltipoos Shed?

Yes, Maltese Poodles mixes shed but it is quite insignificant. The actual reason why they were cross bred was to be a low shedding dog. It is important to note that there is no such thing as a non shedding dog and a Maltipoo is one of the breeds that come closest to this definition.

Are Maltipoos Hypoallergenic?

The Maltese Poodle Mix is classified as a hypoallergenic breed meaning they produce a minimal amount of dander (when a dog sheds their skin cells) and are low shedding. That being said, no dog breed can be fully hypoallergenic.


Maltipoos need to go to the groomer every 4 to 5 weeks as they have fast growing hair. As they are a low shedding dog, they need to get their hair cut otherwise it will become tangled and matted because it doesn’t naturally fall out.

How Much Does It Cost To Groom A Maltipoo?

The yearly estimate of the cost to groom a Maltipoo is $50 to $1000. The price range is so large as it depends on whether or not you take your Maltipoo to a professional groomer or if you do it yourself. It also depends on how often you take your Maltipoo to the groomer and what services you opt in for.

To reduce the cost of grooming a Maltipoo many people purchase a dog grooming kit and follow YouTube tutorials. This isn’t suited for all Maltipoos as depending on their personality they may be stubborn and reluctant for you to groom them. Some Maltipoos feel calmer at the professional dog grooming salon.

Maltipoo Haircuts

There are many different haircuts that you can request at the groomer for your Maltipoo. These are some of the most popular:

  • Teddy Bear Cut
  • Puppy Cut
  • Lamb Cut
  • Fringe Cut
  • Summer Cut

Are Maltipoos High Maintenance?

In terms of grooming, Maltipoos are pretty high maintenance. Their coat needs to be brushed every 2 to 3 days and they need to get their hair trimmed every 4 to 5 weeks. This ensures that your Maltipoo doesn’t get tangles and mats in their coat that can be very painful.

How Do You Keep Maltipoo Hair From Matting?

The best way to keep your Maltipoo’s hair from matting is to regularly brush your dog. Maltipoos get the best results if they are brushed with a slicker brush. These brushes help prevent mats from forming as they remove hair, tangles and debris.

How Do You Clean Maltipoo Eyes?

The fur around Maltipoo’s eyes can be cleaned with a gentle pet wipe such as Angels Eyes. Maltipoos are prone to getting tear stains as they have a lighter color coat. It is important to clean around your Maltipoo’s eyes not only for aesthetic reasons but also to prevent infection.

Do Maltipoos Smell?

No, Maltipoos usually do not smell. A reason why they might smell is because of a skin problems such as a build up of oil on their skin. This can be the result of a poor diet. They may also have a yeast infection. If your Maltipoo smells more than normal, you should visit a vet.


When you pick up your Maltipoo puppy from the breeder, it is very important to ask lots of questions about their diet. Specifically, you should ask what food and kibble the breeder is currently feeding the litter. The breeder should give you a small sample of this kibble to tide you over until you buy your own pack. Feed your Maltipoo this kibble until you have found the kibble you want to feed your puppy and then slowly wean them onto it.

Are Maltipoos Picky Eaters?

No, Maltipoos are not picky eaters. They really like their food and will eat whatever is in front of them. It is important to monitor your Maltipoo’s diet to ensure that they are not overeating otherwise they could become obese.

Do Maltipoos Eat A Lot?

No, Maltipoos do not eat a lot because they are a small breed. They should be fed two smallish meals a day rather than one large one. This gives them sustenance to maintain their energy throughout the day.


Do Maltipoos Need A Lot Of Exercise?

Maltipoos need a moderate amount of exercise per day, about 30 to 45 minutes. They have periods of the day where they are very active. If they are feeling energetic and bored it can lead to destructive behavior so it is vital that owners get them out and about for exercise.

How Often Should A Maltipoo Be Walked?

Maltipoos need to be walked at least once daily for 30 to 40 minutes. In an ideal world, taking a Maltipoo on two walks a day would be fantastic. Owners should also supplement walking with fun games at home such as tug-o-war or fetch.

Maltese Poodle Mix Training

Are Maltipoos Easy To Train?

Maltipoos are relatively easy to train. They are above average for obedience and working intelligence so they respond well to positive reinforcement training with treats or toys. The first things you should train a Maltipoo to do is potty training and basic commands such as sit, lie down and stay.

Are Maltipoos Easy To Potty Train?

Maltipoos are quite easy to potty train if you are consistent and do positive reinforcement training. The best way to potty train a Maltipoo is to take them outside 5 to 10 minutes after each meal to the designated toilet spot. Wait outside with your dog until they go to the toilet and once they are finished, reward them with a treat. Repeat the process until they go outside independently.

Maltipoo Pros and Cons

Very cuddly & affectionateCan suffer from separation anxiety
Low sheddingMaltipoos can be yappy
Multiple sizesNeeds lots of grooming
Good with young and oldTeacup size is very fragile

Further Reading