Long Haired Dachshund (Ultimate Breed Guide)

Long Haired Dachshund (Ultimate Breed Guide)

The Long Haired Dachshund (AKA Long Haired Sausage Dog, Long Haired Doxie or Long Haired Wiener Dog) is a small dog that is much longer than it is tall with luscious, wavy long fur. Their loveable and adorable personality paired with their unique look with tiny little legs and long floppy ears makes them highly sought after.

If you are interested in Long Hair Dachshunds keep reading this article to find out the all the answers to your questions about this dog breed!

Cover Image Credit: Photo by Kojirou Sasaki on Unsplash

What Is A Long Hair Dachshund?

A Long Hair Dachshund is a variety of Dachshund that as they name suggests has a long, luscious, wavy coat instead of the traditional, smooth short coat.

Are Long Haired Dachshunds Good Pets?

Yes, Long Haired Dachshunds are good pets. Their small size makes them highly suited to urban living and also a suitable pet for people of all ages – young and old. They are very loyal pets and also can be a good watchdog.

Long Haired Dachshund Summary

Long Haired Dachshund Characteristics
Size30cm to 35cm tall
Weight9kg to 12kg
TemperamentLoyal, friendly, calm.
Activity LevelsMedium.
Exercise RequirementsLow to Moderate.
Lifespan12 to 15 years.
CoatWavy, long double coat.
Apartment AdaptabilityCan live in an apartment if given enough daily exercise.
Good with ChildrenYes with proper socialization.


What Does A Long Haired Dachshund Look Like?

Dachshunds are dogs that are much longer than they are tall. Their long body with short, stumpy legs is why they have the nickname “sausage dog”. Despite their small size, they are a muscular dog with a broad chest that makes them quite powerful. They have an elongated head shape with long, floppy ears and almond shaped eyes.

Specifically, Long Haired Dachshunds have a long, wavy and thick coat that has feathering around their ears and neck, making them look shaggy. Their hair is also long around their tail, stomach and legs. For some Long Haired Dachshunds their coats grow all the way to the floor.

Coat Colours

The coats of Long Haired Dachshunds can be many colors including red, cream, black and tan, black and cream, blue and cream, chocolate and tan, chocolate and cream, blue and tan, fawn and tan or fawn and cream.

In addition to these colourations, Dachshunds can have patterned coats. The most common long haired Dachshund patterns include dapple (merle), brindle, sable and piebald.

Do Long Haired Dachshunds Have Hair Or Fur?

Long Haired Dachshunds have fur as they are a double coated dog breed. The distinction between hair and fur is whether or not a dog has a single or double coat. Double coated dog breeds like Dachshunds are considered to have fur while single coated breeds have hair.

Do Long Haired Dachshunds Have An Undercoat?

Yes, Long Haired Dachshunds have an undercoat as they are a double coated breed. The undercoat acts as insulation, keeping Long Haired Dachshunds warm in winter and cool in summer. Their undercoat is shed twice a year in Spring and Autumn so they can grow back their summer/winter coats.

Read Also: Dapple Dachshund Guide (Silver Vs Chocolate Dapple)


Long Haired Dachshunds are courageous little dogs that are very friendly, loyal but also steadfast. They are known to try and take on dogs longer than themselves as they are quite self confident. That being said, Long Haired Dachshunds are more easy going than their wire haired and smooth hair counterparts. That is why they are described by many people as the sweetest type of Dachshund.

Do Long Haired Dachshunds Have A Different Temperament?

Yes, Long Haired Dachshunds have a different temperament to smooth (short haired) and wire haired varieties. They are considered to be friendlier and calmer than other Dachshunds as they have Spaniel and Irish Settler genes in their breeding lines. They are also more easy going than other Dachshunds.

Are Long Haired Dachshunds Calmer?

Yes, Long Haired Dachshunds are calmer than smooth (short haired) and wire haired varieties. This is because Long Haired Dachshunds were originally bred to have a calmer temperament to be a companion dog rather than a hunting dog by introducing Irish Settler genes into the Dachshund gene pool.

Are Long Haired Dachshunds Aggressive?

In general, Dachshunds are a dog breed that is more aggressive than the average dog as they have a high level of fear due to their petite size and also because they were bred as a hunting dog. That being said, Long Haired Dachshunds display slightly less aggression than the smooth coat and wire coat varieties as they were bred to be a friendly companion dog.

There are many reasons why a Long Haired Dachshund may be aggressive including:

  • Fear/Anxiety – due to their small size
  • Resource guarding e.g. food, toys or their owner
  • Social aggression – acting aggressively towards dogs who determine the hierarchy
  • Predatory aggression – chasing small animals or wildlife

While Dachshunds have a genetic predisposition to be aggressive in certain situations, there are many ways that you can manage it through proper socialisation from a young age and training. Aggression is usually a defence mechanism so if you reduce your puppy’s fear from a young age, you can reduce their aggressive behavior.

Do Long Haired Dachshunds Bark A Lot?

Long Haired Dachshunds like all Dachshunds bark a lot, however not as much as wire and smooth coat varieties. This is because they have Spaniel and Irish Settler genes which are more laid back breeds. As a hunting breed, Dachshunds were bred to bark to alert humans and lead them to the prey that they have found.

Are Long Haired Dachshunds Quiet?

Long Haired Dachshunds are considered to be the quietest of all Dachshund varieties. The reason why they are quieter is because they have Spaniel and Irish Settler lineage from back when they started to breed the long hair variety. Nevertheless, Long Haired Dachshunds do have a tendency to bark so they wouldn’t be considered to be a quiet breed.

Are Long Haired Dachshunds Smart?

Dachshunds, including Long Haired Dachshunds are ranked 92nd for working and obedience intelligence out of 138 breeds. While this is a low ranking, Long Haired Dachshunds are actually quite smart as they are very perceptive and aware. The reason why they rank low is because they can be stubborn and have a mind of their own.

Are Long Haired Dachshunds Nicer?

Long Haired Dachshunds are considered by many people to be a nicer than wire haired or smooth Dachshunds are they are more mellow and calm. They are super friendly and want to become friends with everyone in the family in contrast to other coat varieties that are inclined to form one-on-one attachments.

The only people Long Haired Dachshund may not be nice towards are strangers. They are quite territorial and may bark when they see a stranger in their yard.

Are Long Haired Dachshunds Good Family Dogs?

Yes, Long Haired Dachshunds are good family dogs. They like to be a part of the pack and spend time around family members. They are very affectionate with the family and kids.

Long Haired Dachshunds are also highly suited to being around children as they are very gentle and calm in comparison to the wire hair and smooth coat varieties. If a Dachshund is going to live with small children, there needs to be some rules surrounding handling as they are a small breed and can be easily injured.

Rules To Teach Children Living With Dachshunds

It is very important to teach children to correctly pick up a Dachshund as they can suffer from Intervertebral Disc Disease (IVDD) due to their long backs. Children also need to know that Dachshunds need to be left alone when eating as they can become aggressive. growling or snapping, if they think their food is under threat.

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Where Do Long Haired Dachshunds Come From?

Long Haired Dachshunds are thought to have originated from Germany as “Dach” means badger and “hund” means dog. The long haired variety was introduced by crossing a regular Dachshund with Spaniels and Irish Settlers.

What Were Long Haired Dachshunds Bred For?

Long Haired Dachshunds were bred to be able to hunt in colder conditions due to their thick, long double coat. They were also bred to have a sweeter temperament than the short haired and wire haired varieties to ultimately be a better companion dog rather than purely a hunter.


How Long Do Long Haired Dachshunds Live?

Long Haired Dachshunds live for 12 to 15 years.


How Big Does A Long Haired Dachshund Get?

A Standard Long Haired Dachshund gets to the height of 30cm to 35cm. Male Long Haired Dachshunds are generally taller than females.

How Much Should A Long Haired Dachshund Weigh?

A Standard Long Haired Dachshund should weigh between 9kg to 12kg. The weight of a Dachshund depends on their height and also if they are male or female.

Standard vs. Miniature Long Haired Dachshund

Miniature Long Haired Dachshunds are slightly smaller than standard sized ones. Miniature Dachshunds get to a height of  13cm to 18cm at the shoulder and weigh 4kg to 5kg.

Miniature Long Haired Dachshund13cm to 18cm4kg to 5kg
Standard Long Haired Dachshund30cm to 35cm9kg to 12kg

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Growth: Puppy to Adult

Are Long Haired Dachshunds Born With Long Hair?

Long Haired Dachshunds are not born with long hair. At first they have short hair like all the puppies in the litter until about 3 or 4 weeks of age when they start to show signs of growing longer, thicker hair.

When Can You Tell If A Dachshund Is Long Haired?

You can usually tell if a Dachshund is long haired between three to four weeks of age. At 3 weeks, the hair on their legs and body will start to get thicker and feather. At 4 weeks, their hair will continue to get longer which is when the coat type becomes obvious.

Nevertheless, if both Dachshund parents are of the long hair variety, you will know with 100% certainty that all their puppies will be long haired and thus be able to tell from the start of the pregnancy. There is only doubt about coat type when the parents aren’t both long haired or only carry one long hair gene but there is a chance that some puppies in the litter could carry two long hair genes.

When Will My Long Hair Dachshund Get Long Hair?

Your Long Hair Dachshund will begin to grow long hair around 4 weeks of age. It will start to get thicker and feather around the edges of their legs, body and ears. Then it will start to grow longer.


How Much Are Long Haired Dachshunds?

Long Haired Dachshund cost between $3000AUD to $7000AUD depending on the breeder. The size of the Dachshund also influences the price where the miniature size is more expensive. Additionally, the rarer the coat colour, the more expensive the dog.

Other factors play into the price of a Dachshund including the genetic history of the parents and whether the breeder has registered and vaccinated the puppies in the litter.

Are Long Haired Dachshunds More Expensive?

Yes, Long Haired Dachshunds are more expensive than the short hair variety as they are rarer. They are also more highly sought after as the Long Haired Dachshund is believed to have a calmer, sweeter temperament than all the other Dachshund varieties. The high demand yet low supply pushes up the prices.

Are Long Haired Dachshunds Rare?

Long Haired Dachshunds are rarer than short hair/smooth and wire coat Dachshunds but they wouldn’t be classified as rare overall. There are many Long Haired Dachshunds around in the world and their numbers are comparable to other dog breeds.

In comparison to the other Dachshund coat types, long hair is a recessive gene which is the reason why it is the rarest coat type. For a Dachshund to have a long haired coat it needs to have two copies of the Long Haired gene (LL).

However when breeders breed two Long Haired Dachshunds together, it is certain that the litter will be 100% of the long hair variety which is why Long Haired Dachshunds aren’t that rare in the big picture as they can intentionally be bred with very high success rates.

How Much Are Long Haired Dapple Dachshunds?

Long Haired Dapple Dachshunds can be sold for prices under the normal Dachshund price range or for prices well above it. This depends on whether the Dachshund is Dapple or Double Dapple.

Double Dapple Long Haired Dachshunds are extremely unethical to breed as they carry two copies of the merle gene which result in serious or lethal health issues affecting their hearing and sight. Many Double Dapple Dachshunds are blind and/or deaf which is why they sell for very little money or are adopted as a rescue dog for free. While they do have exotic coat markings and blue eyes, people should stay well away from breeders who purposefully breed Double Dapples. The American Kennel Club does not register Double Dapple Dachshunds and this is the same case for many other regulators around the world.

On the other hand, Dapple Long Haired Dachshunds that carry one copy of the merle gene can sell for exorbitant prices of $8000AUD or more. Merle is a genetic pattern of a Dachshund’s coat that dilutes random sections of the coat to a lighter color whilst leaving patches of the original color remaining.

Responsible breeders who want to produce merle Dachshund puppies should mate a Merle (M/m) Dachshund with a non-Merle (m/m) Dachshund. Roughly 50% of the litter will be Merles and none will be Double Merles. While Dapple Long Haired Dachshunds are generally healthy they do have a risk for ocular and auditory issues but not to the extent of Double Dapples.

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Do Long Haired Dachshunds Shed?

Yes, Long Haired Dachshunds are heavy shedders, especially with the change of season. They shed the most in spring and autumn as they lose their coats twice a year. For the rest of the year, a small amount of hair will fall out periodically.

Long Haired Dachshunds have a double coat and during shedding times, large quantities of their undercoat is lost. The undercoat acts like thermal underwear for a long haired dachshund, keeping them warm in winter. At the change of the season, they lose part of their undercoat so it is thinner and thus cooler for summer. At all other times of the year they will mainly lose their guard hairs which form the top layer of their coat.

Dilute color coats including Blue and Isabella (Fawn) colored Long Haired Dachshunds may shed even more than other color coats as they are known to suffer from Color Dilution Alopecia. This condition causes thin hair that falls out, hence more shedding. Another symptom is skin infections, skin cancer and dermatitis which also contributes to hair falling out.

Do Long Haired Dachshunds Shed More Than Short Haired?

Yes, Long Haired Dachshunds shed more than short hair varieties because they have a denser undercoat. Additionally, the longer length of their hair means that they shed larger quantities of hair than other Dachshund varieties.

Are Long Haired Dachshunds Hypoallergenic?

No, Long Haired Dachshunds are not hypoallergenic as they are moderate to heavy shedders and drop a considerable amount of allergy inducing dander (dead skin cells) while shedding.

Nevertheless, out of all the Dachshund varieties, Long Haired Dachshunds are the most hypoallergenic as their long fur generally clumps together and falls to the ground rather than floating through the air.

Do Long Haired Dachshunds Get A Winter Coat?

Yes, Long Haired Dachshunds get a winter coat that starts to grow after seasonal shedding in autumn. As a double coated breed, they grow a thick undercoat for the winter months to stay warm.

Nevertheless, Long Haired Dachshunds can still get cold during winter as they have bodies that are close to the ground and coats that aren’t designed to withstand extreme temperatures. In cold weather, a Dachshund should wear a winter coat.

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Do Long Haired Dachshunds Need To Be Groomed?

Yes, Long Haired Dachshunds need to be groomed because their hair is prone to getting tangled. In addition to regular brushing at home, Long Haired Dachshund’s hair should be trimmed, especially around their paws, ears and body. You can get a Long Haired Dachshund professionally groomed or you can do it at home.

Taking a Dachshund to a professional groomer can get pricey so many people opt to purchase a DIY dog grooming kit that has clippers, scissors, guards and brushes. You can learn to how groom your dog by watching YouTube videos.

Do Long Haired Dachshunds Need Haircuts?

Yes, Long Haired Dachshunds need haircuts to keep their luscious, long fur looking neat and tidy. A haircut for a Long Haired Dachshund is a simple trim of their fur. It should never be a shave down as they are a double coated breed.

Can You Trim A Long Haired Dachshund?

Yes, you can trim a long haired Dachshund. They should get a light trim around their face, ears and paws every one to two months to make sure that they are always looking their best. Their fur should be trimmed so it doesn’t get tangled as easily and also to prevent it from picking up dirt.

Trimming the fur on a Dachshunds paws and ears is particularly important as they are very prone to picking up dirt and getting matted quickly. Some Long Haired Dachshunds have fur that can grow all the way to the floor. It is important to trim this hair to stop it trailing on the floor and picking up excess dust and debris.

Can You Shave A Long Haired Dachshund?

Technically you can shave a Long Haired Dachshund but it is not at all recommended. Long Haired Dachshunds are a double coated breed and shaving them down will only prevent cool air from getting to their skin as the undercoat will still be present and they won’t be able to get air flow through their guard hairs anymore.

Additionally, shaving a Long Haired Dachshund will put them at a greater risk of sunburn and overheating. The guard hairs (top layer of their coat) have the purpose to deflect sun and UV rays. When they have been shaved off, the heat of the sun and it’s harmful rays are directly absorbed into their skin.

Moreover, shaving a Long Haired Dachshund will result in them getting dirtier quicker as they will no longer have guard hairs to catch dirt and debris. Additionally, when it rains they will get wetter quicker as the guard hairs will no longer act as a barrier to repel water. A shaved Long Haired Dachshund would therefore get very cold when wet.

Finally, shaving a Long Haired Dachshund can change the texture of their hair when it grows back in. Instead of having a long, wavy, shiny and healthy coat, it may grow back dull, thicker and wirey in texture.

How Often Should A Long Haired Dachshund Be Groomed?

A Long Haired Dachshund should be groomed every one to two months at a professional dog groomer or by yourself. These visits would include a trim and styling of their coats as well as nail clipping. Every second or third visit may include a wash and when necessary, a treatment to detangle their fur.


Long Haired Dachshunds should also be brushed every day or every second day as their long fur is prone to getting tangled. When brushing a Long Haired Dachshund, owners should start by removing tangles and mats with a slicker brush then they should move onto using a bristle brush to make their Dachshund’s coat shiny and smooth. Other owners use a pin brush instead of a bristle brush to give their Long Haired Dachshund a fluffy look instead of sleek and shiny.

How Often Should You Bathe A Long Haired Dachshund?

You should bathe a Long Haired Dachshund approximately every three months. It is important to not over wash your Dachshund as it can cause dry, flaky and irritated skin. Over washing a dog removes the natural oils from their skin which can also lead to a dull coat. When you bathe a Long Haired Dachshund you should use a gentle puppy shampoo and lukewarm water.

The only instance when you shouldn’t bathe a Long Haired Dachshund is when they have matted fur. When matts in a dog’s coat are exposed to water it can cause them to tighten up and subsequently make your Dachshund very uncomfortable. Matts and tangles in their coat need to be removed before having a bath.

Are Long Haired Dachshunds High Maintenance?

Long Haired Dachshunds are high maintenance in comparison to short and wire haired varieties. Due to their long coat, they require more attention for grooming as it needs to be trimmed periodically to keep looking fresh. On the other hand, short haired Dachshunds are low maintenance as they don’t need to visit the groomer.

Breed Comparisons

Long Haired Dachshund vs Short Hair

Long Haired DachshundShort Hair Dachshund
TemperamentMore relaxed, easy going, friendly to everyoneMore stubborn, bonds closely with one person.
Size30cm to 35cm tall.30cm to 35cm tall.
GroomingHigh Maintenance. Daily brushing and hair trims every 1-2 months.Low Maintenance. Weekly brushing.
Coat TypeLong, wavy coatShort, smooth coat

Further Reading