Groodle Size Guide (Teacup, Toy, Mini, Medium & Standard)

Groodle Size Guide (Teacup, Toy, Mini, Medium & Standard)

The Groodle (AKA Goldendoodle) is a mixed breed dog, the result of breeding a Golden Retriever with a Poodle. As it is a cross breed there can be lots of variation in Groodle size depending on the size of the Poodle. The most common Groodle sizes are Teacup, Toy, Miniature, Medium and Standard. As it is a relatively new breed, there are no sizing standards so we have provided a Groodle size guide below.

If you are interested in Teacup, Toy, Miniature, Medium or Standard Groodles keep reading this article to find out the all the answers to your questions about these sizes!

Teacup Groodle

Teacup Groodle via @k9katespamperedpets

What Is A Teacup Groodle?

The Teacup Groodle is the smallest Groodle size. A Teacup Groodle is usually a multigenerational breed created by breeding two very small Toy Groodles together. They usually breed two Toy Groodles runts together over multiple generations until they consistently get the Teacup size. Teacup Groodles are a controversial size as many teacup breeds have size related health issues. That is why not many breeders create Teacup Groodles, making them the rarest Groodle size.

In terms of temperament, Teacup Groodles may be shyer and more wary than larger Groodle sizes as they are so much smaller than other dogs as they may be fearful of them. This is especially the case if they are at a dog park with larger dogs. You have to be careful letting a Teacup Groodle play with large dogs at dog parks as they are much more fragile than the regular dog due to their small size.

Teacup Groodle Size

How Big Does A Teacup Groodle Get?

Teacup Groodles get to 20cm to 35cm tall at the shoulder. They weigh between 3.5kg and 7kg. Teacup Groodles are the shortest and lightest Groodle size. They reach their full adult size around 9 months and continue filling out for months after.

Teacup Groodle Price

How Much Does A Teacup Groodle Cost?

Teacup Groodles cost between $5000AUD and $6500AUD. They are one of the most expensive Groodle sizes as they are a designer dog size and need extra care and attention when breeding.

Questions To Ask Yourself Before Getting A Teacup Groodle

  • Can you take care of a Teacup Groodle?
  • Can you afford the medical bills if your Teacup Groodle becomes sick?
  • Is everyone in the family on board and ready to welcome a tiny dog breed into the house?
  • Do you have the flexibility to work from home and spend time observing your Teacup Groodle for health problems?
  • Are your children responsible and old enough to live with a Teacup breed?

Read Also: Groodle Price Guide – How Much Is A Groodle?

Toy Groodle

toy groodle
Toy Groodle via @babybobeau

What Is A Toy Groodle?

A Toy Groodle is the result of crossing a Toy Poodle with a Golden Retriever. They are the second smallest Groodle size and are slightly larger than Teacup Groodles. Toy Groodles are sometimes called Petite Groodles.

Toy Groodles are known for their easy going, friendly and calm temperament. They get along really well with children which makes them a fantastic addition to families. Toy Groodles are also very intelligent, eager to please and quite easy to train. They are not as common as larger sizes of Groodle such as the Miniature or Standard Groodle.

Toy Groodle Size

How Big Does A Toy Groodle Get?

Toy Groodles get to 25cm to 40cm tall at the shoulder. A Toy Groodle weighs between 4.5kg and 12kg when fully grown. They are the second shortest and lightest Groodle size. Toy Groodles stop growing taller between 9 and 11 months of age and continue filling out for months after.

How Much Does A Toy Groodle Cost?

Toy Groodles cost between $4000AUD and $6500AUD. They are the second most expensive Groodle size as smaller sizes of Groodle are in high demand and not many breeders create Toy Groodles.

Read Also: Groodle Coat Colours Guide (Black, Chocolate, Red, Apricot Etc.)

Mini Groodle

mini groodle
Mini Groodle via @milotheminigroodle

What Is A Mini Groodle?

A Mini Groodle is a cross between a Miniature Poodle and a Golden Retriever. They are the middle Groodle size. They are slightly larger than Toy Groodles and slightly smaller than Medium Groodles. The miniature size of Groodle is one of the most popular Groodle sizes.

Mini Groodles are a calm and friendly dog. They are also very playful, loving, intelligent and loyal. Mini Groodles are a very active breed so they need to get a least half an hour of exercise daily. They make a great addition to families with children as they are very gentle.

Mini Groodle Size

How Big Does A Mini Groodle Get?

Mini Groodles get to 35cm to 45cm tall at the shoulder. They weigh between 6.5kg and 15kg when fully grown. Mini Groodle puppies stop growing taller between 11 and 13 months of age. They will continue filling out and at around 2 years of age are fully grown.

Mini Groodle Price

How Much Does A Mini Groodle Cost?

Mini Groodles cost between $3500AUD and $6000AUD. They are the second cheapest Groodle size as they are quite common and easy to find.

Read Also: Groodle Generations Explained (F1, F1b, F1bb, F2, F2b Etc.)

Medium Groodle

A Mini Groodle is a cross between a Moyen Poodle and a Golden Retriever. They are the second largest Groodle size. They are slightly larger than Mini Groodles and slightly smaller than Standard Groodles.

Medium Groodle Size

How Big Does A Medium Groodle Get?

Medium Groodles get to 45cm to 52cm tall at the shoulder. They weigh between 15kg and 22kg when fully grown. Medium Groodle puppies usually stop growing taller between 11 and 13 months of age but they will continue filling out and 2 years of age will definitely be their full adult size.

Medium Groodle Price

How Much Does A Medium Groodle Cost?

Medium Groodles usually cost between $3500AUD and $6000AUD. They are usually sold at a similar price to Mini Groodles.

Standard Groodle

Standard Groodle via @ruby_great_ca

What Is A Standard Groodle?

A Standard Groodle is a cross between a Standard Poodle and a Golden Retriever. They are the largest Groodle size. Groodles have quite an athletic build with very long legs and cute round faces with floppy ears and button eyes. They have very social temperaments, loving being around both people and other dogs. They are super affectionate.

Standard Groodle Size

How Big Does A Standard Groodle Get?

Standard Groodles get to 50cm to 65cm tall at the shoulder. They weigh between 22kg and 40kg. Standard Groodles stop growing taller between 12 and 16 months of age but they will continue filling out until 2 years old. Out of all the Groodle sizes they take the longest to reach their full adult size.

Standard Groodle Price

How Much Does A Standard Groodle Cost?

Standard Groodles cost between $3000AUD and $6000AUD. They are the cheapest Groodle size as they are super easy to find at breeders as they are so common.

Further Reading